Budget-Friendly Attractions in Memphis, TN

Enjoy Memphis On Budget

The popular belief that you have to spend huge sums of money in order to have a good time isn’t true at all. There’s plenty of activities you can engage in as well as places you can visit and not have to spend a penny and still have the greatest time of your life. Memphis has a few of those, and if you are looking for such places, the following offer great options. More about Memphis, TN can be seen here.

The Peabody Ducks

If you’re familiar with the tradition of the ducks in The Peabody fountain, then this is definitely a place you have to visit. This is a place that has a long history dating back to the early 1930s. Every day, cute little ducks come running from the elevator to the fountain, a very interesting phenomenon that you are guaranteed to love. The locals enjoy it and most especially the kids. Click here to read about Boat Tours & Watersports Available in Memphis, TN.

Memphis Zoo

If you enjoy looking at wildlife and learn interesting stories about different animal species, then the Memphis Zoo is a must-visit. There is a wide range of animals to look at, including a giant female panda. The kids absolutely love this place.

The places described above are proof that you can have a good time and still not spend a huge amount of money.